Dr. Mamdouh Abdel Raouf Abdel Latif, Chairman of Board of Directors

Ph.D. in Accounting and Auditing – Al safir University –     USA 2009  

MBA- Business Administration – University of – Auckland-   USA 2004

Master in Political and Economic Sciences – Cairo-     UniversiG’ – Cairo, Egypt 1990

Member, the Institute of Internal Auditors (CIA) U.S.A-   No. 1181784 – 2004

Member, Certified Financial Consultant (CFC) USA No.   8430 -2006

Member, Certified Internal Audit Control of (CICA) USA   No. 2514 -2008

Member, Saud Organization for certified public   accountants,   KSA.No.1482 (SOCPA)

Dr.Mohamed ElHelw Consultant

Ph.D. in Computing – Imperial college london

professor of visual Computing and AI . Recipient of Cairo   Innovate Award 2014

Initiated and delivered multi-milion projects in smart agriculture

Dr. Galal Elaabd

Doctor of philosophy in Business Administration –   Alexandria University

Finance, investment and financial institutions

professor, Doctor of Finance and Investment – faculty of   Commerce

Dr. Mohsen Al-Salamony

Former Egyptian Minister of Economy
Professor of Economics, University of London
Managing Director of the International Securities Brokerage Group


Dr. Walid Gouda

Intelligence and feasibility studies -.expert Accountant 

Fellow Egyptian accountants and auditors

Member of the Association of Internal Auditors of America

Member of the Egyptian Association of Certified Accountant


Ahmed Hassanien  Manager Director

He graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University in 2006 and obtained a master’s degree in economics in 2012. He worked in the policy sector at the General Investment Authority from 2007 to 2009. He contributed to the establishment and management of a number of companies in the fields of media, industry, financial services and information technology.


Ehab Wajih

Head of Marketing and Business Development

15 years of experience in marketing in Egypt and the Arab region


Ayman Muhammad Elshahat Consultant 

A Chartered Accountant, a Fellow of the Public Finance and Taxes Association, and a former tax officer, with an MBA in 2008 Financial and tax advisor


Menna tallah Nagy

Faculty of art

Ain shams University

office manager


Mohamed Mamdouh

Faculty of Commerce – Business Administration

BUC Badr University in Cairo
